Let me start briefly and without shame that during my childhood and teenage years, I had a complex about having to be in a frame a lot. Therefore, it was a period of life that sought the word "freedom," freedom to do things, go where, eat what, and dress how with the idea that it would not cause trouble to anyone. Therefore, anything that is "rule" and "discipline" is not close to the word "freedom" at all. Discipline is not only something I do not like, but I feel that it looks "stupid" and "obsessed" at that time.
In addition to the mental inferiority complex, another thing that made me think that way would be the "little responsibility" of my age. Thinking only "not causing trouble to anyone" is good enough because it only looks at whether we are interfering with other people, which is not wrong. But because we do not have to be aware or responsible for many things like working people, such as work, financial stability, and family matters today. In the future, we do not have anything to think about and decide on except for "ourselves." Even the house we live in, we can live in our "corner". Of course, we only have a little to take care of our property or various appliances. Therefore, the little responsibility has a narrow dimension of decision-making in many matters and can be independent of the system. What rules because a life without any obligation, simple is not difficult...
When growing up, going through more stories, of course, there are still many people today whose lives are still disorderly, undisciplined, and just living day by day. Some people are not bothered by the idea that if they have something, they do it; if they are hungry, they eat. Some things must be endured, and the hardships are solved by complaining, which reflects the original story, "not thinking of taking more responsibility," or even if they do, "they can't take responsibility for anything." It's no different.
Personally (this story is a story), after going through a lot of chaos and complications in life, it turned out that if only there were order, it meant organizing, giving importance to things, and doing it better. Of course, that is "planning", which initially thought that why do we have to sit and think and manage to make it "complicated" first? But at one point, it made it easier for us. A simple example of working age is having to try to dress well, wasting money, wasting time thinking, wasting time every morning/evening to prepare, iron, or choose which clothes to wear to work, or going a little deeper, if wearing clothes that you are not confident in, under that mindset, it is a day when creativity cannot be compared to a day when we are optimistic. So I used to buy shirts as my uniforms because I would be able to eliminate these problems. (At that time, the workplace did not have a uniform, no policy) Of course, no one forbade it, and some people started to follow, but that was not the purpose because the benefits came directly to us. At that time, those who enjoyed dressing up every day and those who used to love freedom would not be worried and let it be their business or money. As for us, creating discipline for ourselves and making life easier is one thing. And this is just one example...
When managing one thing goes well, that is "orderliness" towards that thing, but it is not continuous; the good things disappear. If it can be done regularly, that is "discipline", that matter will not become a problem again. We can move forward to develop other things. We do not have to "fight with unnecessaryness" like when we only sought freedom. On the rebellious idea that why must it be like that, it is "unnecessary", it may be true at first, or because life does not have much responsibility, so it may not be necessary. But when life has more responsibility, more things must be managed. It is a simple picture of a small thing, not managing anything. More things, not managing it, it only makes it more complicated. And as life goes on, there are only more problems... That is something that only we can see..
Not only problems or responsibilities but "managing progress" is the same. On the day we want freedom, we have no goals. When there are no goals, we have no frameworks at all. Of course, if there are frameworks, how can we be free? But many of those reading this article have been through something and understand enough that we all had opportunities, knowledge, and abilities but did not seize them, develop them, or let them pass us by. If we manage to “accumulate” them in stages, in episodes, or, for a simple example, “studying hard,” these results come from discipline (management) and discipline, which must be done continuously. Because, in reality, it is almost impossible to accumulate everything at once and use it throughout life. It all has to be accumulated from discipline…
If this article were to tell ourselves or anyone at a younger age to be more disciplined and disciplined, we would have progressed further. Because when we had little responsibility, rushing to manage many things would not create problems, and we would have made and accumulated things to support the future well. But thinking of telling ourselves in the past… it is impossible. In the past few years, I have progressed a lot from discipline and discipline. But those who have more time than this article will benefit more. Better progress…
PS. Discipline here is not always about customs, rules, and regulations because many things are “not necessary” to follow, but many things are “not necessary” to obstruct, wasting time. It depends on how much of a goal and responsibility (we) have, and which will waste more time…